Vitamins & Minerals
The Vitalon® vitamin values have been carefully balanced and are accepted by both EFSA and RGB legislation making it a globally accepted formula. All recent research has been considered including but not limited to the new vitamin D recommendations. Before being added to the formula, trace elements are premixed to ensure a homogeneous end result and a high quality safe end product.
Here is a list of vitamins and there key roles in our metabolism.
■ Vitamin A: (= retinol) Essential for growth, particularly cell differentiating.
■ Vitamin B1: (= thiamine) Important for carbohydrate- metabolism.
■ Vitamin B2: (= riboflavin) Important to get energy from nutrients.
■ Vitamin B3: (= niacin) Necessary for proper functioning of the skin, nerve system and metabolism.
■ Vitamin B5: (= pantothenic acid) Necessary to get energy from nutrients.
■ Vitamin B6: (= pyridoxine) Has a role in protein-metabolism.
■ Vitamin B8: (= biotin) Has a key role in protein-metabolism.
■ Vitamin B12: (= cobalamin) Necessary for the production of blood.
■ Vitamin D: (= cholecalciferol) Has a key role in the production of bone structure.
■ Vitamin E: (= tocopherol) Contributes to muscle functions and antioxidant mechanisms.
■ Vitamin K: (= phytomenadione) Has an essential role in function of blood.
Like the Vitalon® vitamin values, the mineral values have been carefully balanced and are accepted by both EFSA and RGB legislation making it a globally accepted formula. Vitalon® has taken into account all the latest research and recommendations regarding minerals in infant formula. Therefore Vitalon® has decided to add additional iron from Vitalon® Advance 2 and up to ensure your infant’s needs. Like our vitamins, our minerals are premixed before being added to the formula to ensure a homogeneous end results and a high quality safe end product. Here is a list of minerals and there key roles in our metabolism.
Here is a list of minerals and there key roles in our metabolism.
■ Calcium: Essential for the production of bone structure and teeth. It is also important for the muscular and nervous system.
■ Phosphor: Important for bone structure and other cell functions.
■ Iron: Important for oxygen transportation in blood.
■ Copper: Important for the creation of bones and connective tissue. Also has a key role in the immune system and coagulation.
■ Vitamin B5: (= pantothenic acid) Necessary to get energy from nutrients.
■ Magnesium: Essential for the production of bone structure and teeth. Also has a key role in energy management.
■ Zinc: Essential for the body’s metabolism.
■ Iodine: Important for good thyroid functions.
■ Manganese: Essential for energy-metabolism.
■ Selenium: Has a key role in counteracting unwanted oxidation reactions.